I have been craving for the pav that tastes exactly like the ones we get in Mumbai but in vain..so started baking from my fellow bloggers, as addictive as baking can be, I was no stranger to this bakodiction, got my measures to suit our tastes after several attempts!

I stick to the measures below .
Please adjust time 3 hrs ahead, the time you wish to have pav ready on table!
Active dry yeast : 1 1/2 tsp
250 ml warm water (mw on high for 40-50 secs)1 tbsp sugar (any would do..white granulated / brown demerara etc)
4 cups maida (all purpose flour) divided into 3 1/2 cups + 1/2 cup
2 tbspn extr.virgin olive oil
1-2 tsp salt (as per ur liking -this will turn out like mumbai pav in saltiness)
Active dry yeast : 1 1/2 tsp
250 ml warm water (mw on high for 40-50 secs)1 tbsp sugar (any would do..white granulated / brown demerara etc)
4 cups maida (all purpose flour) divided into 3 1/2 cups + 1/2 cup
2 tbspn extr.virgin olive oil
1-2 tsp salt (as per ur liking -this will turn out like mumbai pav in saltiness)
Method :
Step 7. Take it out, apply butter on top for glaze. Remove to wire rack and eat hot or cool it.

Step 1. In a double sized bowl(capacity 500ml ) , combine sugar and yeast- pour the warm water over it, mix well with a spoon. Keep aside till it doubles up in volume, happens in around 10 mins -the more it foams, the better.
Step 2. In a big bowl, add 3 cups flour, add salt, extra virgin olive oil, combine well. Make a well in center, pour the yeast mixture, take some flour frm the sides n make a pasty mix with spoon. Then mix in the rest of the 3 cups flour along the sides into the paste and keep kneading, add the balance 1/2 cup, knead, then the rest 1/2C add little water if needed or even
a tbspn of milk would do.
Step 3. Knead for ten mins till the dough is soft, smooth and pliable. Shape it round, apply some olive oil to the base n sides of the bowl, place this dough in center, apply little oil on surface of dough, cover with a kitchen towel or cling wrap..leave to rise in a warm area for 2 hours
Step 4. Once the dough has risen n is doubled up in size, hit it down, keep kneading till the bubbles n air has been punched out. Apply little oil on palms for this. Then divide into 14-15 round portions, golf ball sized.
Step 5. Line a 12x5 tray, wth parchment paper, place the rounded dough touching each other, in a row, cover with towl n let it rest for approx 15-25 mins till it doubles up in volume.
Step 6. Preheat the oven to 200C for 10 mins, (do this along with Step 5. to save on time) reduce the temp to 180C and place this tray in for 10-12 mins, keep checking towards the end as oven temp varies. If you find the surface golden brown, its ready, or bake until it is.
Step 7. Take it out, apply butter on top for glaze. Remove to wire rack and eat hot or cool it.
These pavs got a lovely height of almost 2" plus, as it rose for around 30 mins. Remember to keep it covered though.
This time it was with Matkichi Usal- Gravy Form, (needed for bread) from here.
(Jayashree Mudaliar's@Sinful Indulgence)
I hv grown up with Usal as staple in breakfast for weekends, hence carrying forward the tradition of weekend brunch with home made pav and usal! Here is another variety of Usal with Whole Moong.

Try it with chapatis for dinner, gives a different taste altogether! Thanks for sharing this simple and yet aromatic usal Jayashree.

Finally a sweet, this time around, MALAI COOKIES, the Oooh so yum n flavorsome from Divya's /Easy Cooking blog, inspired by Nita Mehta's book, which she made with home made collection of malai, and I lazily used the store tetra pack malai/Thick Cream.
Thanks Divu! Its best treat for kids!

Have a lovely weekend!!
Wonderful..Those pav are looking just too good, hot hot and with matki usal, will be really divine!! Nice one Purnima..Hey, ur Malai cookies picture is not showing up.
Gosh, that pav laadi looks as perfect as the ones which we used to get at local bandra bakeries. Perfect. I have been experimenting with pav recipes myself. but i think i should just stop that and bake from your version. I am drooling.
Usal & cookies look great too. but I just can't take my eyes off that paav. great, great job!!
Hi, That's some good looking pavs. I have been meaning to make some from the VahreVah chef.. did you check that out They look absolutely awesome too. I think I know what my Friday brunch is this week..Regards Angela
Pav and Usal look lovely Purnima.
I love this so much and you are really great,that u prepare ur own pav! Great purnima!
yum yum
everything looks yumi
awesome pav! can't imagine making them on my own though, too lazy. usal looks great..
Hi Purnima, Thanks for trying out my recipe..it just makes us feel so special..:-) You have a great blog..and i'm sure there are lots of recipes i can try out.. Lets stay in touch...:-)
punni... u making your own pav !
Its looks very tempting. Must be feeling heaven to have it hot right from the oven. yuummmm
Maya --> They taste good huna-huna too! :D Re-loaded Cookies.Ur son wd love these.
Meera --> Hey I was the one doing rounds n SHanbhag's Pav was pretty famous in our locality! The basic idea is to give it ample of standing time after kneading and also when its left to rise in tray, the more it rises, the more fluffier it becomes..with that any pav recipe can be hit ..also u can reduce yeast if u let it sit over night! I did that last time..:D
Tks for ur lovely praises for pav!
Kids eat pav hot from oven wt little butter!They enjoy as though it were cake! Their joy n comments r what pushes me more into exploring these goodies!
Angela --> After a loooong time here? Oh yes..i got the yeast visual idea from Vahrehvah..try his other dishes too..very tasty n fast! Nearly 8-9 dishes from him were a hit at my place.
Deepa --> Tks!
Rajeswari --> Its easier than chapati! No rolling n tava job..just place the balls on tray..leave the rest to oven! :D ;) Only steps look ellaborate!
Bent El Deera --> Shukran!
Shreya --> This is half work ...if u make chapatis! :D Yeast..1 min job..U knead dough for 10 mins, forget the dough..it rises without supervision ;) 2 hrs later, punch it back, roll into 15 balls..maybe just 5 mins of work..leave it there, put on the oven, dump it in n u get praises! :D Now I believe after this, I m the laziest! :)
Mahaaaa --> Yup..its surely world apart..freshness wise..apna somalia bread ke saamney yeh toh too plump, chubby bread..kiddos n v 2 njoi it hot! Hugs..n hv a gr8 day!
Jayashree --> Special thanks to you for posting this variety of usal, we enjoyed it a lot! Thanks to you for posting n sharing!
Hey Purnima....I made these and they tasted awesome! Thanks for the recipe dear. Will post this one soon! Yours look so uniform and perfect.
Purnima, My first time here..I must say, those Pavs r just too perfect..I have always been scared of bread baking, but this has inspired me to bake..Will try it for sure..
BTW, thanks for dropping by and commenting on the Udupi Sambhar,,I have spent my childhood in Udupi and I love the cuisine..Glad to know you liked it..
How did I miss this post!!!You made home-made Pav..??Fantastic..I think its high time I throw caution to winds and start baking breads too nai?The pav looks yummilicious..and wow you made malai cookies too..I must say yours look much much better than mine..honest.
Divu --> Yes..not first time..baking bug bit me too..so wanted to make these mumbai style slightly salted pavs..this might have been my fourth time, 3rd time it got a bit dense to our liking..but got lucky 4th time round!:D I realised the trick is to allow rising for more time..to get the right fluffiness n it also had a good height!Hub normally won't praise for good things, but he went 'superb yaar' n also told my mil that it is bestest! SO got full of pride :D
Your cookies were awesome..simple recipe..tasteful..forgot to click had bit into half of it, quickly took a pic as the goodness was melting in my mouth..asking for more!:D Tks Divu!
Have never come across such perfect Home Made Pav, anywhere!!!I'm so impressed!..
LOVELY!!!..Book marked!..
Bharathy --> Thankyou for ur encouraging words! Do try n post me a feedback.
Wonderul... those pav are just looking readymade... the click is too good.. and lots of hard work by you.... cookies are also looking mouth watering...
Ani --> Tks for your lovely words here! Do try these pav, though they cant beat Puneri tasty ones, they wont let you down! :D Keep visiting!
Purnima, let me tell you this. You are already there ! Look at that photo, it looks very much like the original. I am going to try this for sure, very soon. Thank you for this post.
hey fantasycook,
I live in singapore and i have been craving for these mumbai style pavs forever.... I love baking so found your recipe :) I cant tell u how awesome these pavs have turned out to be.... your recipe is just flawless :)
im super duper excited to have baked these all by myself :)
this is my first bread :) and thank u tons
hey fantasycook....
I loved your recipe. I cant tell u how excited i was to see my own bread getting baked....this is my first bread :) So cool this recipe is !
Cheers to all foodies :)
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