Sandhya passed me this lovely flattering award, but I guess my blog is still far from the word 'E'!
I thank you , Sandhya for being kind and passing me this one! Blog-booster I can say!
I am passing it on to some lovely bloggers I rate in 'E'
Shilpa of Aayis Recipes and Asha of Foodies Hope are leagues ahead E+++++!!! Once I create that award I shall pass it on to you both!!
Meera (Enjoy Indian Food) you truly have exccccelled dear! 2 posts a day, traditional, authentic, from regions in and around India, I feel proud to have comeacross your blog (I trust you to forget 'the scolding' it was said with lots of affection for you!! You put me in AWE!
Maya (All About Konkan) Authentic Konkan dishes, enthu baker-like me!! Deserves an E for excellent way of cooking and posting lovely dishes!
Sia (Monsoon Spice) Lovely website with lots on cooking and also she shares technical aspects of many a things including blogs which has turned out x-tremely helpful to bloggers like me!
Indo Sun God (Daily Musings) Traditional dishes, her own innovation with greens, legumes and grains makes her excel in her style of cooking ...
Seema (My Randap-Everyday cooking) Has a lovely blog, authentic recipes, I have tried few so far!! You are excelleent in my view!
Zlamushka ( Burnt Mouth) (An E++ blog with lot of healthy recipes innovatively dished out! Thanks Zla!)
Yet another humble bow for this award, and passing on to these lovely bloggers who have been nice and excelled in their own rights!!
Thanks for your support and boosting blog morale!!
congrats and thanks for passing me this award :) thats really a sweet gesture purnima:) enjoy all ur awards :)
Purnima, congratulations on your well deserved award. Thanks for your kind words and for passign it on.
Thanks for the award, Purnima! & I loved when you scolded me!!:-) Only real friends do that, honey! I am so glad, that you are my friend.
Congrats on the E award - You deserve it! Thanks for passing it on to me....:-) I am honoured.. thought not near the E yet!! Long way to go...
Thank you for thinking of me Purnima, you are a sweetheart. Enjoy your award too. We all are excellent bloggers, it is hard to choose!:))
Wow.. Congrats dear !! Enjoy !!
Congrats on the award Poornima.
Purnima, Congrats on your Award girl !! And am very honoured yet again to recieve it an award frm you..Not sure if I deserve it though, but very thoughtful and generous of you. Thanx so much go :)...
I am truly appreciative of your lovely and kind remarks, you bloggers Rocccccckkkkkkk! THANKYOU VERY MUCH!!
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