Cookies yet again! One-Almond studded Peach colored cookies which promptly caught my attention were posted by Pravs! Drooled and had to try them out! They were very coconuty and almondy flavoured, simply melted in mouth!
Thanks Pravs for posting such a simple yet very tasty cookies..for all those cookie lovers I would say its a Must Try!! The below measure gave an yield of 25 cookies.
Ingredients :
1 cup maida
3/4th cup almond skinless (coarsely ground)
1/2 cup coconut (dessicated)
1/2 cup butter (1 stick/100 gms)
1/2 cup sugar (granulated)
25 halved almonds for garnishing
Method :
Preheat oven for 10 mins at 350 deg. F for gas oven. (I set the temperature in my electric oven to 160 deg C for 10 min). Make a dough by mixing butter, sugar, coconut,almond, maida in that order. Make balls of same shape, make batches and keep aside. Line baking sheet with parchment/waxed paper . Take each ball and flatten them with your hand, in each cookie press a slivered almond. (Like in the pic below)

Leave an inch between each cookie place in the oven.
They would spread on baking. Bake for 11-12 minutes or until you find the bottom of cookie golden brown. The cookie has a lovely peach colour on top, might look a bit mushy but once you cool them, they turn beautifully crisp and melt in the mouth. Also a nice coconut and almond flavour comes even as an aftertaste!!

This was first batch with dome shaped, without an almond pressed in. (For my oven..first batch was 170° C for 12 mins and 2nd and 3rd batch at 160° C for 11 mins)

This is what the second batch looked like, third batch too was similar.
Tips :
* To blanch almonds, there are two ways..
a. soak them overnight in water and peel the following day
b. Heat water(3:1 ratio to almonds) to a boiling point, once bubbles are given out, pour the almonds and put off flame. Let it cool completely; takes approx one hour...hold the almond between thumb and forefinger, give a light press. The almond will slip out of skin. (This works easier for me) Got to dry it for sometime.
Come N have a cookie!!!
Looks great, plump and delicious.
purnima those cookies look delecious yummmmmmm
Ashakka..tks..these are mouth melting ones!
Sagari..truly are delicious!
You did a good job of explaining in detail, which i think i didn't do so well.Cookies looks really good.Just one thing - don't have to flatten cookie dough too much..just a bit, since it will spread while baking.
Pravs..now that is an understatement..your explanation was precise and good, else how did you expect cookies I baked to come out well? Well flattening the cookie helped,since it spread only by a cm and the crispyness was locked inside with nice tiny badam pcs coming in between teeth while the coconut melted away fast! Tks dear for a lovely recipe!
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