DORAYAKI (Japanese Dessert-Pancake with Sweet Bean Filling)

Yude Azuki Bean Can (125 gms nett)
So here goes the recipe.. (Kindly click the link for recipe.)
Yield : 10 pancakes which have to be sandwiched so you get 5 DORA YAKI's .
The taste is subtle and sponge cake like and the filling is protien rich and sweet too!
I just had to follow instructions, cool the pancakes and fill each with two teaspoons of the paste.
It tasted yummy and alternately, even CUSTARD FILLING seems to go well with these!
The next in line was the lovely Lemon Flavored Cake made with ATTA..It was a super duper hit.. From Sunita's World...link here : Lemon Coconut Cake
My notes : I forgot the coconut she has sprinkled. I fell short of 4 tbsp cashews, which needed to be topped on the cake, so substitued with pistachio pcs. In my oven baked the cake at bottom rack - 180C @ 20mins , as I used 12 x 5" baking tray. It got beautiful golden color contrasting with the beautiful green pistachios. It was moist n fluffy, tasted mildly of the lemon and surely not eggy at all!! The yum pics below. Thanks so much Sunita!! This will be a regular feature in cakes henceforth!

Lastly the delayed posting of an Orangy Sandstorm that blinded visibility throughout Kuwait on 11th of Feb, 2009. Something to match the color of Lemon Cake! :D (Asha- FOR YOU! :D)

View of Storm from my Flat
Have a great Weekend!
OMG!!! What the heck? look at that Orange storm!!! How do you walk around and drive in that thing when it happens? Scary and beautiful too!
Lemon cake with Pista looks fabulous, I have to make it too, just had Obbattu, so trying not to cook sweet stuff again! :D
Dorayaki, easy to make and very new to me. I guess if you have young kids, you watch different shows and please them with these yummies! :)
Thanks for the storm photo, never thought it would look like that! Hope you wear masks when that is around! :D
The cake looks wonderful,its amazing that cake made with atta is so tender and fluffy cake.... I have never heard of dorayaki...sounds interesting !
Wow Purnima, never before heard of that Japanese dessert, looks yummy. Hats off to you to look at it in a cartoon and make it, nice job..Drooling at the cake slice, its looks just superb! Never before seen a sandstorm like that, my goodness, am sure the whole of Kuwait was indoors rite ?? Scary..
Unique recipes,purnima!
I saw this picture of sandstrom there in another blog too! TC
Wow....both dishes look absolutely delicious! I had never heard of the fisrt one. Thanks for the recipe :) And the sandstorm looks pretty bad.
You truly are a Super-MOM..its so nice to search for a recipe in a cartoon show and make one for your kids..:-).Loved it,the name's a bit tricky though!!lemon cake looks really moist and am tempted to try it,I remember you telling me about it.The sandstorm looks bad,how did you manage to take pictures??
Hi first time here and nice time in yr blog.
the pic of cake says have a piece.. hm only a piece sorry i want the whole.. pls send ok.
lovely cake.I remember eating japanese cake when i was kid,i googled it,but didnt find the recipe of the cake which i used to eat.
But ur cake looks delicious,give me a piece
Never here in dubai we had sand storm
Wow, Dorayaki looks so delicious..And the lemon Atta cake looks moist and perfect..
Delicious!!! Dorayaki wow!! Didn;t know about it.
Oh, that sandstorm looks very scary!! Have never seen it except on TV when cricket was interrupted during Sharjah match - (& sachin played splendidly!!).
Asha --> This is the first time when the frequency of storm was highest..cant drive till it calms down, aw u can feel dust in ur mouth, nose, throat even when u r inside..fine dust that finds its way in! Surgical masks, if at all an outing can't b avoided, is used.
Usha --> Try with any sweet filling..it tastes good!
Maya --> Thankyou..re. storm yes..no one dares to go out but it calms down in few hours time, so doesn't disrupt anything majorly.
Rajeswari --> Yup..the other blogger is Swapna, at swapnascuisine who posted it same day! :D
HC --> Thanks..we are in much developed place where there is no trace of much sand, this was carried by the winds from deserts to cities n towns! Can u imagine what wd b desert like wt this storm! Uuuff!
Divu --> Nothing super abt it, curious whether my kids too wd love this..the name is japanese! :D I took pics frm indoors..do try Sunita's healthy version, am sure u wd love it! :D
Adlak's --> Oh..the profile pic is sooooo cute..tks so much..pls dig in! :)
Varunavi --> Can u give the name of Japanese cake u had? SS seems to hv hit all over GCC..yest too it was slight stormy here, atleast bye bye to winter! :)
Paru --> Thankyou for your lovely words!
Meera --> Thanks! Make it wt custard filling ..am sure Gudiya wd love it..its very heavy too! :D
Hmmm...Sachin, Sharjah, Storm.. ani tula tyacha game suddha athavto! Brilliant yaar!
OMG!!! hats off to you Purnima!!! You made a Japanese Dessert after watching CN....looks delicious!!!
Sand strome....today I cleaned my both balconeys...praying it wont hit back soon :( this is 3rd time in a week I am cleaning this....
Hi Purnima,
Dorayaki is something new to me. Enjoyed reading it here. Lemon cake looks yummy. Feel like grabbing it :D
Btw, the sandstorm looks scary. U say u need to wear masks... OMG how do u manage? Take care!
I have added your site to my blog roll. Do link me back, if you like my blog :)
Swapna --> Hey I had bookmarked it long ago..but was so happy to find Azuki bean can at LuLu..so grabbed it n made this! :) Chk weekly weather forecast b4 clean-up! :)
Anu --> Welcome here! Trust me, all my fellow bloggers truly surprise me equally..I find n learn so many new things n thrilled to no end! Hey tks for adding..shall roll u on my reader! :)
Came here through Swapna's sandstorm post and ended up seeing a similar scene here too :)..
Hope you girls are settled with the chaos :)!..with all your powerful vaccums(sorry ,I can't control my smiles even now the way you had commented in hers)..
Love all the stormy goodies here !!
Bharathy --> Welcome here, though thru sandy way :D Tks for appreciating sweet storms! :)
Oh my god...the storm looks scary...how do u manage?
Lovely cake and dessert Purnima...Dorayaki is new to me...liked the pics.
The vagaries of nature, beautiful yet scary. Love the cake & the Japanese dessrt too. Well done Purnima...YUM!
the lemon cake looks fabulous..loved the addition of pista to it!! my first time here..glad to have found your blog!
Purnima,Its my first time here I guess..totally loved your space..:)
wow..I have neva seen a Japanese dessert..that looks great..would love to have a bit of it..:)
n the pic of the storm is just fab,with bright orange hue..I neva knew it happens like this Kuwait..wow..:)
Dorayaki and lemon atta cake both look tempting. Yum.
First time here and u have a yummy blog :)
Just wanted to drop in a line and let you know of the “Baking Event –Calling all Foodies” hosted by me at the foodie site www.ifood.tv. Looking to making this an event that gets bloggers like you to unite and enjoy together the art of baking. The details are all given here http://www.ifood.tv/blog/baking_event_calling_all_foodies
I have a small gift waiting for you in my New Blog Post... Please do accept it.
Oh thats awfull...the storm photo, wish it doesnt happen often/disturb your routine. Sounds scary...how did you manage to click, gosh!
Wow...the dessert sounds unique and new. Thats so sweet of you googled for your teddies...and fixed it. That looks perfect for me, will try to search for those ingredients...here!
Deepa --> By simply staying out of way of storm..glued at home! :D
Deeba --> Appreciation from you = ENCOURAGEMENT to bake more! Thanks so much n this means a lot more to me!
SC --> Same here, glad u dropped by..do keep visiting! Thankyou!
Varsha --> Tks for dropping by n tks for ur sweet words as well..this was one of its kind..very rare, jus like our good ol' rains..we all stay indoors! :D
Vibaas --> Tks for being here, I love ur writeup n pics as well! Tks so much!
Amy --> Thanks for the invite..shall surely try my best for an entry to the event!
Anu --> Thankyou 4 passing me the award! I accept it whole-heartedly :)
Malar --> Welcome here, the Click is frm indoors! :)
Wrt Dora cakes, u can use custard as filling too!:)
The Lemon cake looks amazing. The pics make me want to try it out soon.
lovely click specilly orange storm one,..nd ya loved the japanese desert too,..how u dng??
okay, this is crazy. someone just gifted a pcket of these stuffed pancakes to us and all he inscriptions were in japanese, so we'd no idea what they were called. thanks for the recipe link. i loved them.
Gosh, that is a rage of a sandstorm, hope you guys were safely snuggled indoors!
The Lemon cake looks delish, and with pista running through it, must have been a treat! :)
Deepa --> Glad that u wd like to try it, do feedback me your response when u do! Wd b pleasure to know! :)
Priyanka --> Do try it for Advay with custard.
Bee --> I wd not have known if it were not for an English label on the tiny tin ...there is only Japanese on sides, top n bottom of tin..crazy ya!
Nams --> But nothin near ur Prada!! :D Yup we hv to b tucked indoors! Tks for ur sweet comments!
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