Egg Omelette (Moz Cheese) Served With Rainbow Toast Bread for Kids.
Eating out is pleasure when kids start loving the 'healthy' food served there. One such Mid-eastern dish / form of pie is an Egg Fatayer. (Varieties of Fatayer such as Spinach, Cheese etc are available to choose from! ) Egg is beaten along with salt and pepper as we usually do for our simple omelettes and one lovely addition is made in the beaten egg, which is then poured over a pizza like base and baked in traditional oven for around ten minutes.
I thought of trying out the same at home, various times, having used sliced cheese, then the triangles and even the cream cheese :( ALL resulted in burnt omelette on a pan!
Then it struck..it should have been mozzarella! Tried it out, VOILA! ..and here goes the easy-peasy kiddo type of omelette , made on gas top, minus the base. Its filling and healthy for kids! Has to be served hot!
Egg Omelette-Fatayer Style.
Ingredients :
1 large egg
Salt as per taste
Pepper powder
1 Tbspn Mozzarella Shreds
1 Tbspn Vegetable Oil
Method :
Beat the egg along with salt and pepper. Heat the oil in a pan-medium flame. When the egg is well beaten, add the shreds directly from the freezer around 1 Tbspn, and fold in well with the egg mix, do not beat, pour in the hot pan. One side done, flip and cook the other side, serve hot along with bread as a sandwich or with rotis. (Once it cools , the cheese becomes chewy, hence serve hot.)
One more variation is not to mix the cheese shreds in the egg mix, pour the egg mix in pan. When one side is done, sprinkle the frozen shreds on surface, and flip it carefully. When the omelette is done, the bottom side up, will have beautifully crisp cheese on top and soft omelette below. I do not have a photo of it. Children will scrape and eat the crisp cheese first :D
(Shall try to post picture of EGG FATAYER in few days time. )
Any other variation, do try it out, it is very filling any style you make !
More omelette details are here.
Treasure the sight of child eating with love! :D

Very popular street food of Mumbai, loved by one and all. Its available in two ways, the filling is sandwiched and given in a round bread or the bread is lightly toasted in butter and the filling is sandwiched. The tantalizing part is the crunch from nuts or dryfruits and sev. I love the toast version.
Couldn't resist making it from MEERA @ ENJOY INDIAN FOOD, link from Tarala Dalal, just perfect measure and too good in taste. Follow the exact recipe and enjoy the praises! :D
Thanks Meera!
MOM'S DELIGHT- Condensed Milk, Biscuit,Cocoa Treat!
Mom's Delight is a dessert that comes from Edible Garden by Nags.
Thanks to you and your mom for sharing such a wonderful dessert, flavored best on the next day! (Made it in a 9" sqaure pan. Used 10 Digestives rest all being same! )
Would post on a weekly basis atleast from now on! :D Thanks for your support dear friends!